Toasting Traditions in Georgian Supra

Georgian Supra is among top local traditions valued and admired by the vast majority of population. Finding a feast, dinner or any gathering where alcohol is drunk without giving any toasts is impossible, and that is why our nation considers this tradition to be a piece of art. It is well structured and organized in accordance to centennial traditions.
The authenticity of Supra is proven with the toasts proposed by “Tamada” – the leader of each friendly gathering. Tamada is considered to have done a great job if he has said all the traditional toasts in the new and interesting way, has kept the guests entertained and obviously has not lost the clear mind after all the alcohol drunk. 

First toast

georgian toastsPhoto Source: Food Fun Travel

When the table is ready, and the people are about to drink the first glass, it’s time to give the first toast. Although Tamada is the one to lead everyone at the table, he (and usually it is “He”) is not the one to say the first toast. This honor goes to the head of the hosting family. The host selects most respected person who is close to the family and has the capability to entertain the audience for several long hours. So, the first toast is meant for the Tamada: “Cheers to the Tamada, so he can lead more feasts as beautiful as this one!”


The unwritten laws of tradition tell us that the first toast that’s told by the Tamada is expressing our admiration towards God: “Praise the Lord, so he may protect us and our country.” And after this small prayer, follows a toast to peace and prosperity in our hearts, families and our homeland. At the start of the feast, a toast toward the reason for the gathering is stated, then everyone expresses their admiration and respect for one another.

Deceased ones

At every feast comes a moment where every guest stands up and pays homage to the “lost ones”. Who couldn’t be with them that very precious moment: “To the memory of those who have left us, may they never have any lack of candlelight” and/or “May violets and roses grow and prosper happily upon their graves!”


It is a rule that every toast for deceased ones is followed with the toast for the life and children as a symbol of eternal cycle of life. Tamada says: “we can’t stop here” and starts the toast for the joy and happiness that every precious life has to offer. So, the mood is lightened by giving a more lighthearted toast.


This comes naturally, because without them where would any of us be? Definitely not here. A toast to our parents is a must for a Georgian feast: “Bless all of our mothers and fathers, may they be happy and healthy, and if they’re not with us anymore, may they rest in peace and their memories live on!”


And now, before us stands the toast, that is often followed by poems and words full of color and emotion, that cause many to shed tears – Love. At this point love and the many forms of it are blessed and praised. Sometimes if the speaker is drunk out of their minds, this toast can go on until the next morning! But not only this…

The late guest

Photo Source: Food Fun Travel

And of course, there comes a time when a new face is added to the table: “The Late One”. With no second thought they are fined with extensive drinking, but how much, is up to the Tamada. And then a toast to the one who actually came on time.

The last toast


Photo Source: Wake and Wander

The feasts last for several hours. Apart from all the mandatory and traditional toasts, Tamada offers many toasts that are all result of his creativity. At some point he might even ask other members of Supra to propose toasts, telling the: “Alaverdi with you”.

And at last, after hours and hours of drinking, singing, and all else, the “closing” toasts are upon us. One of them telling us, that this departure may not be last time of their gathering and the other praising the religion and the holy churches.

Now that you know the ins- and outs of the traditional Georgian feast, you can use above mentioned toasts to become part of an artform that is the traditional Georgian Supra. Please keep in mind the toasts that are not that traditional but still popular, like – sweet memories, ladies, and plans and goals. After all, you can always say a personal toast for each guest and praise them and your friendship.
It’s hard to deny that Georgian Supra can be boring and tiring, but please bare with us because all toasts come from the heart and are filled with love.

Oh, and by the way, we also have a name for (and we’re sure you don’t…) the wine pourer – Merikife. 

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